Stella Grizont

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Founder of WOOPAAH
Introduction Stella Grizont is the founder of WOOPAAH, a company that creates immersive play experiences for people at work to feel happier, more creative, and connected. Some of her clients include Google, Columbia University, and New York City's Department of Transportation. Stella was one of the first 200 people to earn a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She uses this blog to express personal insights, some science based, some aha-shower based. Stella regularly speaks to universities and organizations such as MIT, NYU, Columbia University, The Learning Annex, MediaBistro, and the Center for Communication about how to launch your biggest dreams. She is a Small Business Correspondent for MSNBC and has been featured on The Today Show, Fox, Reuters, Yahoo News, and other media channels. For more about her read this blog which spills the beans or find her bio here: