Rachel Chan 陳淑卿

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About me

Occupation Registered Physiotherapist(Hong Kong, Australia) 註冊物理治療師(香港、澳洲) APA Peadiatric Physiotherapist 澳洲兒科物理治療師
Introduction A Hong Kong and Australia Registered Physiotherapist, specialized in children's neuro, reflex, sensory and motor development from birth to young adult with 23 years' experience in children physiotherapy filed. And believe in wholistic management of kids in order for them to blossom physically, emotionally and spiritually… 香港及澳洲物理治療師,從事兒科物理治療23年,對嬰兒到青少年的神經、反射、感覺及運動發展有深厚的認識。相信結合現代及另類方法更能整全地照顧孩子的需要,使他門在身、心、各方面也可健康成長,使人生變得豐盛……
Interests 認識生命