ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp
My blogs
- Parker Brothers Music
- Humanities IDEAS: Inclusion Diversity Equality Acceptance Solidarity For All Humanity !
- Nom de plume The Poetress
- Parker Brothers Videos
- si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
Blogs I follow
- Caught In The Stream
- Coffee for the Soul: Black, liquid hope sold here; (|_|*ch33rs*|_|)
- Crow's Feet
- eclecticemily.com/
- First Light Saga
- Future Culture
- In Search of Isis
- Mimi Writes.......
- Mindful Palate
- Parker Brothers Videos
- Red Shoe's Chronicles
- si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
Industry | Non-Profit |
Occupation | BindingInk.org |
Location | United States |
Introduction | Saving Humanities 1 Human, 1 Artwork, 1 Poem, 1 Quote, 1 Song...at a Time. Humanities IDEAS: Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, Acceptance Solidarity for all Humanity. Helping to put the Human back in Humanity, the Kind back in Humankind. Be a part of Humanity, not apart. May at least one post give you a smile, encourage you, let you know that you are not alone and there are other people who feel the same or similar way as you feel. There are other people going through the same things or similar situations as you. And may at least one post also help educate, inform, and/or direct you to other resources and helpful links. You are Human, You are Watt Matters! S.T.O.P. ® and See The Other People https://www.facebook.com/seetheotherpeople/ BindingInk.org |
Favorite Movies | Tis The Season https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08NF3MMFP/ The Traveling One https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thetravelingonemovie A family-friendly movie about a young man named James (Dirk Parker) leads a lackluster life until a time traveler (Seth Goldklang) reveals that he was born in the wrong time. Leaving behind his best friend Jane (Whitney Lang), James and the traveling one jump 60 years into the future where they meet Sarah (Jessica West) all while on the run from 4 evil time travelers. |