
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Engineering
Occupation IT
Location Bucuresti, Romania
Introduction traiesc intr-o lume a prieteniei unde inorogii zburda fericiti; nimic nu ma atinge, pot merge unde vreau, pot fi tot ce gandesc; ma sustrag in mod constient realitatii, in special celei televizate
Interests interesele mele sunt variate si se inmultesc prin fotosinteza, asa ca primavara sunt plina de interese :)
Favorite Movies 10 things I hate about you (obsesia din adolescenta de care nu am scapat nici azi), tot ce fac Tarantino si Guy Richie (mai putin ce face cu nevasta - that blows :D), orice film care ma face sa plang
Favorite Music red hot, gogol bordello, norah jones, fiona apple, aretha, joss stone, alanis
Favorite Books I like the mighty Vonnegut!