The Andersons

About me

Introduction Brian and I met and were married in 2003. We finished up school and added McKayley in 2006. McKayley is four now but thinks she is thirteen, with the attitude to boot. Her favorite thing to do is follow Dad around. Wells is two and growing fast. He also thinks Dad is the coolest thing in the world and fights to be the first in line for hugs when he gets home. We spend plenty of time doing therapy and exercises, and are on a first name basis with Peds Rehab, but finally moving forward with our milestones. Danica joined our crazy group in October lastyear. Probably won't take her long to find her place in our family. We are now pretty comfortable here in Vancouver, Washington, it finally feels like home. Brian is now an MS3 at Oregon Health and Science Univerity and is enjoying to this year more than he thought he would. Liz is still working (to feed the family...) as a Labor and Delivery nurse at a small and super busy community hospital.