
My blogs

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Religion
Occupation pappi // Lutheran pastor
Location Helsinki, Finland
Introduction Hello! My name is Petri Tikka. I'm a Finn, and a Lutheran pastor. I write poems, theological things, and whatever comes to mind. I also translate hymns and songs, and even compose them. Singing is one of my main hobbies. I have a love for languages. Tolkien's legendarium is close to my heart, especially his invented languages. I am currently studying to be a doctor of theology - my research concerns the salvation of everybody who ever lived (this hope is certain, thanks to the cross of Christ). /// Terve! Nimeni on Petri Tikka. Olen pappi. Kirjoitan runoja, teologisia juttuja ja mitä mieleen sitten tuleekin. Käännän myös virsiä ja lauluja, jopa säveltelen. Laulaminen kuuluu pääharrastuksiini. Rakastan kieliä. Tolkienin legendarium ja eritoten hänen keksimänsä kielet ovat lähellä sydäntäni. Tällä hetkellä olen teologian jatko-opiskelija, valmistelen väitöskirjaa kaikkien koskaan eläneiden pelastumisesta (se on varma toivo, kiitos Kristuksen ristin).
Interests books, theology, movies, linguistics, languages, etymology, names, Quenya, singing, cooking, reading, writing, composing, swimming, walking, tabletop games
Favorite Movies Casablanca, The Godfather, Return of the Jedi, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Henry V, Beauty and the Beast, The Dark Knight
Favorite Music G.F. Händel, C.P.E. Bach, John Williams, Kari Tikka, Maisa Tikka, Phil Collins, Toto, Bee Gees, hymns, baroque
Favorite Books The Silmarillion, Leaf by Niggle, The Lord of the Rings, Mr. Bliss, The Chronicles of Narnia, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther, Confessions by St. Augustine, Kalevala, The Wind in the Willows, Watership Down, The Book of Wisdom