David M

My blogs

About me

Location Was Dallas, Now Austin
Introduction I am a young twenty-something who likes sports, music, and the occasional laugh. As a recent graduate from the University of Texas (Hook 'Em) who was born and raised in the Dallas area, you can imagine who my favorite teams are. So as you can see I am as generic as the next guy (or gal, I'm no sexist). Inspired by the likes of Bill Simmons, Stephen Colbert, Mark Titus, and an old classmate and friend, Molly, I decided it was time to let my brain crap out all that it had gathered from 23 years of watching educational TV shows and movies, numerous hazy concerts, and most importantly an Uncle Rico-esque high school athletic career, but instead of using a toilet, I use this blog. I am also not claiming to have any bit the talent of any of the aforementioned, in fact I would say I'm closer to a cross between a well spoken 8th grader (public school, not private) and a comedy defensive driving school instructor. Enjoy.