Puzzled Piscean

About me

Gender Female
Location Collingwood, ontario, Canada
Introduction God created women so that they would grow older, and like fine wines become sweeter to the taste and more intoxicating. Women of all ages are beautiful, But the older woman carries with herself an allure that may only be explained as .......experience.
Interests Education, Learning, Cultures, Travel, People Watching, Reading, Movies, Music, Cooking, Wine, Food, Beach Walking.... sunday reading of http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
Favorite Movies All the usual girlie stuff... Dirty Dancing, You got Mail, Bride and Prejidice, The Secretary, Take the Lead... Oldies... Sabrina, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Affair to Remember, Singing in the Rain... Comedy... All the carry on films, (just classic) Abbott and Costello ( never shown on tv now) Ealing comedies... The Matrix, It's a wonderful life, One flew over the cukoos nest, Life of Brian, Priates of the Caribean, Rocky, The Deer Hunter, The Green Mile, Top Gun
Favorite Music very eclectic mix of music, from classical to dance, like something to relax to, something to drive to, something to do then ironing to, and some cheesy sunday morning stuff to dance about the house to while cleaning and cooking Love radio 2 on then drive to work, makes me smile for the day... Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Boys II Men, Latin, El Divo, Enreque, Eva Cassidy... the list is endless... The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Rat Pack...
Favorite Books Got a shelf full of books waiting...Maharanis, Three cups of tea, the white tiger, slumdog millionare, Eat Pray Love, Love biographies of strong sucessful women, Hillary Clinton, Benazair Buhto... etc