Balance Through Bodywork, LLC

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About me

Introduction I became a Nationally Certified Therapist of Massage & Bodywork in May of 2008. I graduated from CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School & Clinic in 2006, and in February 2005, I traveled to Hawaii to become certified in Lomi Lomi.
Interests Shiatsu, meaning “finger pressure” is an ancient form of bodywork deeply rooted in Chinese medicine. Using body weight, pressure is applied to points on the channels to rebalance the flow of the client’s Qi, or vital energy. Common ailments treated with shiatsu include: muscle aches and pains, headaches, back pain, digestive issues, and irregular sleep patterns. Lomi Lomi (“massage” in Hawaiian) is a healing art practiced by native Hawaiians. They say it’s like an ocean wave that hits the body, and then gently recedes. Lomi Lomi is rich with tradition and has been passed down by shamanic teachers who are committed to sharing their knowledge. Lomi Lomi’s focus is to perceive each person as divine and whole. The therapist provides conscious touch allowing the recipient to receive the bodywork in a safe and nurtured environment. Lomi Lomi has long, continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be. The therapist is guided by their intuition in finding those places where tension is stored and working to release it.