Steve Bennet

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Occupation CFO, Angel Investor, Professor
Location Palo Alto, CA, United States
Introduction The best way to describe my work is probably start-up CFO guy. I spend my days working with cool start-ups in a variety of capacities. I am an active angel investor and on the board of Sand Hill Angels. I take CFO roles in early stage companies and participate on the management team during the early financings and business model development phases. I typically stay anywhere from 6 months to 3 years depending on a number of factors, not the least important being that I do not have the temperament or attention span for a full time gig. I also teach Entrepreneurship at San Jose State. On the personal side, I live in Palo Alto with my wife, two daughters (one who started blogging way before I did and the other who runs faster than I do), dog, and crested gecko. When not working or with family, you can often find me on the links at Half Moon Bay.