
About me

Gender Female
Introduction Hey everyone! My name is Katelynn Holden. I am living in a famiy of 8. Theres my Dadio who is one of my best friends he is awesome and makes everyone laugh. Next we have my Mom who is also one of my best friends. she is the best mom in the world. i love her so much we have a blast shopping together! Maddie is awesome. We have so much fun doing eachothers hair and nails! Wyatt oh wow were do I start with this fella he is crazy but also one of the cutest kids I have met he loves sports. I am proud to say he is my brother! Calvin is well lets just say a monkey bouncing off the wall. I will never forget those baby sitting experiences. he is one of the funniest 6 year olds i know! I love him to death! Then we have Bella and Spike they are so cute together! Bella what can I say she is a little bundle of spunk! she is so cute and only ways not more then 2 lbs. Spike is my little buddy who is so much fun to play with he is such a good dog!!! Well I have some pretty hylarious stories to tell you about so I am gonna see if I can get this hole thing going! Love ya all! :)
Interests dance softball vollyball basketball tennis hanging out with friend football shopping texting! ha ha. :)
Favorite Movies dArK nIgHt.... (BAT MAN) Oh Oh Oh!! & ELF!
Favorite Music I lOvE mUsIc!! sO pReTtY mUcH eVeRyThInG! :)
Favorite Books tWiLiGhT!