My blogs
Blogs I follow
- UnsuperMommy
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent
- Lee Strauss - author
- * Author Karen Amanda Hooper*
- .
- // - LA FEMME READERS - //
- 2010: A Book Odyssey
- 21 pages
- 52 Weeks of Wordage
- <center>Life, Love, and Literature</center>
- A dead man fell from the sky...
- A journey through life and writerdom...
- A L E X A N D R A s h o s t a k
- A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette
- A Literary Odyssey
- A Reader's Adventure!
- A Swede Abroad
- A Writer's Blog
- a writers life
- Abby Annis
- Addicted 2 Novels
- Adventures in YA Publishing
- Agent in the Middle
- allysoncondie.com
- And Anything Bookish
- Anna's Ramblings
- Anne Riley
- Au Courant
- Author Bethany Wiggins
- Author Elana Johnson
- Author Heather McCorkle
- Author Jennifer Shirk's Me, My Muse and I
- Author, Jody Hedlund
- Beth Revis
- Between Fact and Fiction
- Bibliophilia - Maggie's Bookshelf
- Blinded by Books
- Book Dreaming
- Book Hooked Blog
- Book Rich, House Poor
- Book-Bound
- Bookalicious Ramblings
- BookEnds Literary Agency
- Bookie Woogie
- Bookworming in the 21st Century
- Brooke Reviews
- Brooklyn Arden
- Brown's Books - On Writing Romance
- Carolina M. Valdez
- Carrie Harris
- Cassandra
- CasuALLY Writing
- Chimera Critiques
- Cinnamon Quill
- Confessions
- Cover to Cover
- Crystal Clear Reading
- Crystal's Chronicles
- CynJay -Cynthia Jaynes Omololu
- Dangerous With a Pen
- Dangers Untold and Hardships Unnumbered
- Dawn Embers
- Dean from Australia
- Decorating Obsessed
- Delightful Reviews
- DeRaps Reads
- Desperately Searching for my Inner Mary Poppins
- Diana Paz Writes...
- DJ DeSmyter | Author
- Do the Write Thing for Nashville
- Dreaming In Books
- Dystel &amp; Goderich Literary Management
- Economic Speak
- Editorial Anonymous
- Emma Michaels
- Every Last Page
- Extreme Reader Book Review
- First Novels Club
- Forever Young Adult
- Frankie Diane Mallis
- Girl In Between
- Glass Cases
- Goodbye
- GotYA
- Great Books and Fresh Coffee
- Hannah Moskowitz
- Heim Binas Fiction
- Help! I Need a Publisher!
- Hilary T. Smith
- Hilary Wagner
- Hyperbole and a Half
- i know, write?!?
- Imperfection is the New Pink
- in which a girl reads
- Incidents and Accidents
- Inkygirl: Daily Diversions For Writers
- International Book Tours
- J. Koyanagi
- Jay Asher
- Jen Stayrook
- Jennifer Represents...
- Jessica Lawlor
- Jill Wheeler
- Kasie West
- Kelly's Compositions
- Kidlit.com
- Kiersten Writes
- Kimberly Franklin
- Knock-Off Wood
- Krista Van Dolzer
- Kristie Cook
- Laurel's Leaves
- LAUREN OLIVER: News, Thoughts, and Miscellany
- Le Dernier Mot
- lightning + lightning bugs
- lisa and laura write
- Lisa D. Writes
- Literary Rambles
- Love Stories
- Lovely Little Shelf
- Margo Berendsen
- Meika Usher, Romance Author
- Melissa E. Hurst
- Melissa Writes Fiction
- Middle Passages
- Mireyah Wolfe
- Mo Willems Doodles
- mrs.messi's musings
- My brain's comfort food
- My Life: Uncensored
- My Meandering Musings
- My Side of the Rainbow
- My VerboCity
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Night Writer
- NikkiKatz.com
- Novel Rocket
- Novel Thoughts
- On Our Minds @ Scholastic
- One Significant Moment at a Time
- Paperback Writer
- Pimp My Novel
- Plot This
- Poetic Serendipity
- Pop Culture Junkie
- Presenting Lenore
- Pub Rants
- Pure Emotions Photography Lounge
- Query Shark
- Querypolitan
- QueryTracker Blog
- R.A.W. **Random Acts of Writing**
- Rachel's Journal
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- Ray Reads Books
- Read This Book!
- readergirlz
- Reading Angels
- Reading In Color
- Reading Nook
- Reading Writing Rachel
- readingvacation
- Renee Collins
- Riding and Reading
- S.R. Johannes
- Sara B. Larson
- Sara McClung
- Sarah Ahiers Writes
- SeeSaraWrite
- Seven Days Seven Answers
- Shana Silver
- Shannon Messenger
- Shayda Writes
- Sherrinda
- Show Some Character!
- Shut Up! I'm Reading.
- Sometimes Nonsense
- Star Book Tours
- Steph Bowe
- Steph Su Reads
- Stephanie Thornton
- Stina Lindenblatt (writer blog)
- StoryWings
- Straight From Hel
- Sugar &amp; Spice
- Sunday Scribblings
- Super Librarian
- Teenagerie
- Terry Pierce: Children's Author
- thatcovergirl.wordpress.com/
- The Bibliophilic Book Blog
- The Book Cellar
- The Book Smugglers: Smuggling Since 2007 | Reviewing Romance & SF Since 2008
- The Bookologist
- The Character Therapist
- The Compulsive Reader
- The Contemps
- The Debut Authors Blog
- The DIY Show Off
- The Gray Willow
- The Inkwell Bookstore Blog
- The League of Extraordinary Writers
- The Literary Lab
- The Longstockings
- The McVeigh Agency Blog
- The Official SCBWI Blog
- The Official SCBWI Conference Blog
- The One-Minute Writer
- The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment
- The Rejecter
- The Secret Adventures of WriterGirl
- The Story Siren
- The Theater's Reader
- The Undercover Book Lover (Not Really)
- The Urban Muse
- The Writer's Hollow
- The Writing Ant
- The YA-5
- Through The Tollbooth
- Through The Wardrobe
- Tink Notes
- Totally the Bomb.com
- Trac Changes
- Unedited
- Voracious YAppetite
- Wanderings
- Welcome to
- Where Ladybugs Roar ~ Wendy's Writing Blog
- Whimsical Fic-ery
- Wicked Wonderings
- Will Write for Cake
- Wonderings, Wanderings and Writing
- Wondrous Reads
- Word Play
- Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors
- Write On Con
- Write On Target
- Write-or-Die
- Writer Beware®: The Blog
- Writer Musings
- Writes in the City
- Writing In The Crosshairs
- Writing Jenny
- Writing Leigh
- Written In Lipstick
- Written Word Review Blog
- www.chimeracritiques.com/blog/
- YA Addict
- Young Adult Reviewer - Book Crazy
- ~Dancing Down Serendipity Street~
- ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Princess Bookie♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Gender | Female |
Industry | Publishing |
Occupation | Associate Editor |
Location | Clearwater, FL, United States |
Introduction | Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the Internet! I'm a book lover with dreams of seeing my own name on the shelves some day. I love reading, mostly YA and MG. I'm up most nights until 2am trying to get stories out of my head. I blog about reading, writing, and everything in between. I'm currently a student in the Writing for Children and Young Adults MFA program at the Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Want to tell me something? Click here to send me an email! (I seriously love email - it makes my day!) |
Interests | writing, reading, snuggling, my dogs, eating |