Shaman Manin

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About me

Gender Female
Location Woodbridge, VA, United States
Introduction Shaman Manin is an Ordained Minister, Vibrational Healer, Usui Reiki Master Teacher (RM/T), Karuna Reiki Master Teacher (KRM/T), Teleios Technique Practitioner (TTP) & Teacher (TTP/T), Drisana 7 practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Counselor, Author, Energy channel & translator, Rock Hound. ~%~%~%~ Manin helps people find balance using energy frequencies that are conducive for self healing. She is a walking library of vibrational frequencies. ~%~%~%~ Manin’s gift is that of a human telescope and switchboard, receiving, reading, translating, programming and sending energetic frequencies. She can read and replicate energies from star beings, Mother Earth, crystals, plants & animals and works with angels and Archangels to offer healing sequences. ~%~%~%~ Manin works with Shamans throughout Panama, Peru, Bolivia and the US. Manin has shared her attunement workshops in English and Spanish. ~%~%~%~ She is the author of 6 books and offers classes in Multicultural Shamanism.