Sweet Anticipation

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Occupation SAHM/PT Server
Location Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States
Introduction I'm Tara, a 27 year old wife to my very caring, supportive, and amazing husband, John. We had our first daughter Addison Mae on 4/5/07. Our second blessing, Emerson Rae, was born at home on 4/27/11. My family means everything to me! I have a B.S. degree in Psychology and Human Development. I have several interests, including vaccines, and living a healthy, natural, and holistic lifestyle. I'm also interested in anything pregnancy and (home)birth related. I'm a a breastfeeding advocate and believe that babies were born to be breastfed. I believe knowledge is power. I believe in informing yourself about childhood vaccinations before they are given. I believe in attachment parenting and parenting by instincts. I'm interested in co-sleeping, breastfeeding, and babywearing. I'm against mandatory vaccines as well as any medical intervention. I'm interested in alternative medicine such as chiropractic care and homeopathy. Having my daughters changed my life; they have opened my eyes to a whole new world, and the fire, passion, and zest for knowledge that is now in my life is all due to them!!
Interests Marriage, motherhood, children, breastfeeding, natural family living, extended breastfeeding, cloth diapering, non-medicated childbirth, homebirth, thrifting, baking, babywearing, whole foods, debt free living, holistic and alternative medicine, investigating vaccinations, questioning the status quo, AP, attachment parenting, babies, toddlers, gentle discipline, positive parenting, co-sleeping, La Leche League, LLL, shopping, movies, wraps, playgroups, Wisconsin, family bed, baby signing, garage sales, Green Bay Packers, reading, living in the moment! The information in my blog is not intended to take the place of the advice of a physician. Please consult your physician or your child's pediatrician when making important decisions regarding health.