Heather M Bryant
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Ink in the Book
- Angelina C. Hansen
- Writers Helping Writers
- #PitchMAS
- * Author Karen Amanda Hooper*
- ** Paranormlly Romanced **
- **LC's Adventures in Libraryland** A YA Book Blog
- *Brianna's Book Affair*
- .Xpresso Reads.
- 6 for my day
- <center>Aimee L. Salter</center>
- <center>YA Anonymous- for YA addicts</center>
- @badgaltranny - writing, art, and spiritual community
- A Librarian's Library
- A Backwards Story
- A Booky Wonderland
- A Daydreamer's Thoughts
- A Little Thing Called Writing
- A Nest of Words
- A Pocket Full of Books
- A Reading Daydreamer
- A Trail of Books Left Behind
- A Vintage Spirit
- A Writer's Progression
- A. W. Exley
- A2ZMommy and What's In Between
- Absconditus Creations
- Adventures of the Cautionary Tale
- Al Jackson Books
- Alison Can Read
- All the Things She Read
- All's fair with pen and paper...
- ALPHA reader
- Amanda Gardner: Writer/Game Dev/Mindful Mama
- An Alleged Author
- And then she was like blah blah blah
- Angela V. Cook
- Anna Silver
- ArtByCrain
- Author Heather McCorkle
- Azza's Bookish Haven
- Bad Art and Aliens
- beautiful chaos
- Beckah-Rah
- Beneath the Jacket
- Berry Creative
- Bethany Crandell
- Beyond The Hourglass Bridge...
- Bird in the box.
- Blogging About Books
- Blurb is a Verb
- Book Junkies
- Book Mice
- Book Passion for Life
- Bookish Treasures
- Bookworm Blogger #YA
- Bookworm's Multiverse
- Bouquet of Books
- Brenda Drake . . . under the influence of coffee
- Brona's Books
- Charlotte's Attic
- ChickLitGirl
- Christa Writes
- Cindy Thomas
- Completely Unoriginal Thoughts
- Confessions of an Animal Junkie
- Creepy Query Girl
- CrossBreeds
- Crystal Collier: Young Adult Author
- cupcake espresso
- Curse of the Bibliophile
- Cutest Landing
- David Powers King
- Deana Barnhart
- Diana Gallagher, Writer
- Dog Eared and Coffee Stained
- Donna L Martin's THE STORY CATCHER
- Down Under Wonderings
- Dr. Syntax
- Dreams about writing
- Ellie Great
- Ellie's Couch
- Entertaining Interests
- Eyes Wired Open
- fairbetty's world
- Falling for Fiction
- Fans of Fiction
- Flipping Through the Pages...
- Following the Reader
- For the Love of Writing
- Forever Rewrighting
- Forget-Me-Not
- Frenzy of Noise
- Geeky Tendencies
- Georgina Morales Author
- Ghost Girl
- Gina's Writer's Blog
- Glass Cases
- Groundwire
- Halloween Fun for All
- happy owl books
- Head Stuck In A Book
- Hilary T. Smith
- Hopelessly Hopeful
- I am Always Write
- I am such a Derp
- I Eat Words
- I solemly swear that I'm up to a book.
- I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous
- Ilima Todd, YA author
- Inner Owlet
- Into the Cuckoo's Nest
- It's In The Details
- J.A.Y.A.!
- Jeanmarie Anaya
- Jennie Bennett, Romance Author
- Jenny's Imaginary World
- Jessa Russo
- Jessica Knauss, Famous Author
- Joie de Ma Vie
- Journeys with The Muse
- Julie Daines
- julie murphy
- Just Another Mummer
- K. A. Last
- Katie's Stories
- Kelley Harvey Writes
- Kelley Lynn
- Kicked, Cornered, Bitten and Chased
- Krista Van Dolzer
- Krystal Angela Azucena
- LA Dennison
- Lara Schiffbauer's Motivation for Creation
- Larissa and Friends' Bookish Life
- Laurel's Leaves
- Lindsey Frydman
- Lisa Regan
- Lisa's Landing
- Literary Exploration
- Living Fictitiously
- Living for Books
- Living Life &amp; Loving Life; the differences from the two.
- Lori M Lee
- Love YA Books
- Lydia Sharp, author &amp; editor
- M. J. Diack
- Magpie Writes
- Manuscripts at Midnight
- Manuscripts at Midnight
- Married to Calamity
- Married with a Blog
- Mere Joyce
- Mittens Writes
- Mother &amp; Daughter Reading Team
- My Baffling Brain
- My Bloggish Blog Thing
- My Devastating Reads
- My Hogwarts Sabbatical
- My Life as a Teenage Novelist
- My Life Is A Fairytale That Will Never End.
- NA Alley
- Nancy S. Thompson
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Navigating the Slush Pile
- Not Love At First Sight
- Novels by G. Donald Cribbs
- Now at www.EllieWrites2.com
- Nutrition Mummy
- Oh, The Things I've Learned- ANGIE SANDRO
- On Ink and Writing
- Once Upon a Bookcase
- Once Upon a Prologue
- One blog for one Lakata
- One Magic Bean Buyer
- Outside City Girl
- Paula Kouman
- Peace Love Books
- Peggy Eddleman: Will Write For Cookies
- Penguin Teen Australia
- Pond Across the Pond
- Pub Rants
- Purdie Writing
- Rachel Allen Dillon - mom, artist, author
- Rachelle Gardner
- RaeLynn Writes!
- Raquel Crusoé - Arte e Cultura
- Read is the New Black
- Read, Write...Rocking Chair
- Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Romance
- Reading in the Mountains
- Reading Kelly
- Reading Wishes
- Realm of Fiction
- Reflections On pages
- ryan writes
- Sara B. Larson
- Sarah J Schmitt
- Scribble Babble
- Seanchai
- Sisters of Pemberly
- So, You're a Writer...
- Sophistikatied Reviews
- Stacey Mitchell
- Stina Lindenblatt (writer blog)
- Storybook Slayers
- Strung By Words
- T.C. Mckee
- Tales of the Inner Book Fanatic
- Tangled in Me
- Tangled Up In Words
- Tara Tyler Talks
- Ten Block Walk
- The Army of 3:59
- The Bluestocking Blog
- The Book Barbies
- The Book Goddess
- The Book Parade
- The Book Vault
- The Bookanistas
- The Cait Files
- The Enchanted Writer
- The Life and Literary Pursuits of Alexia Chamberlynn
- the life of fiction
- The Love Dare Experiment
- the midnight garden
- The Official Website for Debbie Cluff
- The Overflowing Library
- the page turner
- The Plot Thickens
- The Prickly Reader
- The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment
- The Reading Enchantress
- The Reading Panda
- The Rest Is Still Unwritten
- The Story Queen
- the world is quiet here
- The Write Obsession
- This Writer&#39;s World &amp; Plot Bunnies
- TwoGirlsandaNovel
- UK Book Blogger Directory
- Unforgettable Books
- Victoria H. Smith
- We Do Write
- Wendy Knight, Author
- What's New?
- Whimsical Quests of a Curious Mind
- whispers, lies and dreams of everyday life
- Wicked Awesome Books
- Words on Paper
- Worklovelifewrite
- Worlds of Wonderment
- Writability
- Writer's Outworld
- writercize
- Writerly Rejects
- Writing Through College
- YAtopia
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Gender | Female |
Location | Newcastle, NSW, Australia |
Introduction | One day I'll be published. One day I'll have a book with my name on the cover. One day I'll own a purple unicorn. Until that day I'm a twenty-something hopeful with an addiction to coffee and anything that makes me smile. |