What do I know?!?

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction I've been a pretend stay-at-home mom now for nearly 5 months. I LOVE spending every minute I can with my daughter but after a days worth of goo goo and gah gah I find myself having conversations in my head (with myself). I've decided it's time to share those conversations...here...on this blog. I'm hoping it will be interesting, make you think, but most of all make you smile. If not, it's very simple. STOP READING!
Favorite Movies I can't stay awake for movies, and the ones I have aren't worth remembering.
Favorite Books I can read a book, LOVE it and then forget the entire plot within a week. Therefore, I don't remember my favorite.

Why do I get so annoyed with people's grammatical errors on Facebook when I haven't spelled an entire text correctly in my life?