~Hooked on Bargains~

About me

Location Austin, TX, United States
Introduction I am a young stay-at-home mom of 3 beautiful children (ages 3,5,and 7). I have always used coupons when grocery shopping, but never knew how to use them to their full potential. I would cut coupons for a product I needed, use it regardless of if it was a better deal, and be thrilled when I'd save $15 on a $350 shopping trip. Yikes! In college (Gig 'Em Ags!), my husband and I had 2 children with one on the way and were barely breaking even every month. Shortly after our third child was born, I realized that saving money on groceries was one way we could make our money stretch in other areas. I slowly started "extreme couponing" in January 2009 after hearing how my friends and sister were saving so much money with coupons. At first I thought extreme couponing was way too complicated and didn't believe that coupons could save me hundreds every month. After couponing for over a year, we have cut our monthly grocery budget in more than half and are loving the ability to focus on other areas of our finances! Now I find that I'm Hooked on Bargains because I see the financial stability it's given us, and honestly, I just love the competition and the rush I get from saving!