Christina Rose

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Psychotherapist
Location Portland, Oregon
Interests Community, Nature, Reading, crafts/creativity, music, spirituality, laughter, health and wholeness, the brain.
Favorite Movies These days I watch movies that lift my spirit, make me laugh, and truly inspire me. Gone are the movies that show me too much of the cruelty I know is in the world. It's a running joke around my taste in movies, usually romantic comedies - lots of movies the the critics trash. That's okay give me sappy any day, and keep those anxiety ridden crawl out of my skin movies far away from me.
Favorite Music Music I can sing to; Hootennany music; Music that makes me want to get up and dance; Music that touches my heart; Hip-Hop and R&B; Gospel; Swing Music; Jazz; Country Rock; Soft Rock; Classical; Opera; Folk; Chants; Spiritual Music; Most music except music that's discordant.
Favorite Books I love books, and I read a lot (which is an understatement.) Find me on