
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Technology
Occupation Professional arts junky, tech support guru and programmer extraordinaire!
Location North of Philly, PA, United States
Introduction I like computers, but love the arts more. Painting, drawing, & photography are my passions. We rock the geeky side of things with a firm footing in sci-fi, fantasy, video games, anime, comic books and board games in this household. I have a rescuekitty, one rescuehound, a husband and an external child with an internal one currently forming. I'm happy. I'm attempting Buddhism/vegetarianism and dig the concept even as I'm flailing at it. Trying to start a homestead, make DIY a daily process, and create a small business from my art. Welcome to my Middle Path!
Interests Photography & lomography, painting, drawing, web cartooning, writing, reading, hiking, cooking, meditation, music, anime/manga, cartoons, comic books, video games (console and PC), bento boxes, crochet and knitting
Favorite Movies Aliens, Sean of the Dead, The Green Mile, Night of the Living Dead, the ORIGINAL Halloween, Ghost in the Shell, Hero, Zen Noir, Amelie, Kamikaze Girls, Paranormal Activity, All SAW movies, Zombieland, Ran
Favorite Music Just about anything except twangy country and Rap about women shaking their ass (or any other body part, for that matter) Especially fond of well played guitars and violins. Jazz is also nice.
Favorite Books Novice to Master by Soko Morinaga, House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski, Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie, the Dhammapada, the Tao Te Ching, Old Turtle by Douglas Wood