abby lee v

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction I'm oil and water. A perfect combination of Father and Mother yet the bubbles and water just don't quite mix well in the container. I tend to be a mild harda$$ that rarely gives sincere sympathy to people's everday phycosises, yet I cry easily and I'm a loyal friend to those who don't try to pull me down.
Interests Various forms of art, good music, abstract poetry, God, people, and my mental state.
Favorite Movies Science of sleep. X-Men. The Princess Bride. Constantine. Iron Monkey. War of the Worlds (50's version is best but the new version is good too. Drunken Master. Fiddler on the Roof. I could go on and on but I'll spare you the list.
Favorite Music Aloha. John Coltrane. Norma Jean. French Kicks. Circle Jerks. The Album Leaf. Helios. Pelican. ISIS. Underoath (old underoath, not the washed up crap now-a-days). Shai Hulud. Opeth. Ratatat. Daughters. Floor. Make Believe. Sufjan Stevens. ETC, ETC...
Favorite Books Velvet Elvis. Collection of Favorite Poems. Oliver Twist. Bible. Lord of the Rings.

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

These questions are dumb. I got one for you. Why do we believe what we believe and when the moment comes to face the possiblity you might be wrong, how do you answer your adversary? My answer? Think. Debate. And change if change is beneficial to yourself and others.