flynnrd skynnrd

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Location United States
Introduction About me... Me is an objective pronoun most often used to indicate the speaking self, as in "Give that to me." It's etymological origins date back to the early Greek when indigenous Cretians were apparently trying to find ways to persuade wild mountain goats to come to them, thereby legally deciding possession of the unowned animal. It has since gone on to become the singular driving principle of Western thought, as in "Give that to me."
Interests People who check blog profiles, like you.
Favorite Movies King of Hearts, No Country For Old Men, My Life as a Dog, Being John Malkovich, Topsy-Turvy, The Royal Tennenbaums, John Sayles
Favorite Music Lately:, Miles Davis' funky period, Wilco, Lucinda Williams, Joe Henry, The Kinks, Tom Petty's album Echo.
Favorite Books Weber's Guide to Gourmet Grilling, (the best crabcakes I've ever had). Vonnegut, Twain, Garcia-Marquez, Billy Collins, David Ives, Christopher Durang, and all of Cormac McCarthy since reading The Road.

Try making up the rules to a game where you tie knots in a yo-yo string just to see if you can get them out:

What makes the flag on the flagpole to wave?