Jason and Andrea Schmick

About me

Location Broken Bow, Nebraska, United States
Introduction We're a family of four learning to be possessed by supreme joy in Jesus Christ. Since 2004 he has laid Haiti on our hearts and is opening a door for us to serve. After living and serving in Haiti for 7 months we began to understand how God was leading us to be dedicated to helping others and ourselves see the glory of God more readily. Seeing and knowing Him in our everyday is the only way our hearts and lives are changed for His glory. Lord willing, we'll be in Haiti by October 2012. Quisqueya Chapel, an English-speaking fellowship in Port-Au-Prince, asked us to shepherd their 75-100 young adults. 95% of the group are English-speaking Haitians and the other 5% are from other countries. We're excited about the opportunity to minister in a more holistic way on a community level. Only by His sufficient grace will we accomplish what He's called us to do. We are praying for His Spirit to lead us and grow our love for these people.