About me

Gender Female
Location Cardston Alberta, Alberta
Introduction I am 31 years old and work at the cardston Elementary school. I am married to Billy Vair. This year we will celebrate our 10 years. I love spending time with my friends. I love to sleep in and stay up late at night. I love fudge, well hoestly love sweet things. I also love my diet coke with splenda. I really don't care to exercise, but I love to walk.I don't have any kids, so I have a little dog. Her name is Sadie., I sure love her to death, she is almost better than a baby...
Interests I love to scrapbook, watch great movies, camping, playing on my quad, going to the mountains, being with my family.
Favorite Movies Hope floats, charolette's web
Favorite Music I love all kinds of music, have way too many favorite songs to list, I also find myself really liking the love songs. I find a song and tend to play it back over and over again.
Favorite Books I loved the twilight series