~ S*

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Ohio, United States
Introduction I grew up in a home where my parents taught me about God since day one. I've never really struggled with my relationship with God. I know that I am born again, my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, Jesus died on the cross for me, & rose again so I may live forever in heaven with Him. That's my testimony. Not that exciting. Now that you know my background let me explain a couple things. 1. I've been interested in marriage, courtship, etc. since I was ten... Now that I'm in my 20s my desire for the latter has only grown more with each passing day; but my standards, & methods in which I plan to find my husband have changed dramatically as I've grown & learned more about God & His plan for marriage & singleness. 2. I believe my testimony may be how I handle my singleness, & eventually my marriage story! But this does not mean that I don't have the everyday struggles of an ordinary young woman. Through this blog I would like to share my thoughts and struggles about certain subjects that are dear to me. I'm praying that God will use this blog as a blessing for not only myself, but for others.

Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go:

Using a peeler starting at the top and circling the apple all the way down? And if you throw the complete peel over your shoulder it will land in the initial of your future spouse! :)