Budget Beautiful Wedding Obsessed

About me

Location Atlanta, GA, United States
Introduction I'm barely 30-something but act barely 20-something most of the time. OK, all of the time. I am obsessed with weddings and animal rescue. Odd combo but it works for me! {Don't worry, I don't dress any kitties or puppies up in wedding gear... yet!}
Interests Cheap Weddings, Animal Rescue, wine, food from my home town of Nawlins.
Favorite Movies ANYTHING with Bruce Willis ;)
Favorite Music classic rock (I know, what a dork!)
Favorite Books Anything by David Sedaris

You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

Something uber important like underwear or deoderant. But I'm used to DOH! moments like that - such as the life of an ADHD 30-somethinger!