Daniel Men Mat

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About me

Location Manhattan, New York, NY, United States
Introduction Hey all, my name is Danny and I'm in NYC right now. I'm studying Fashion Merchandising at the Fashion Institute and so far I'm having fun. I come from Madrid (Spain), a city that I don't really miss... Let's say it's a nice city with lots of historical buildings, monuments, and museums. But Spanish people, specially men, still have a lot but a lot to learn about what fashion means, what taste means, and what skinny jeans are!! Gosh! Anyway, my aim is to stay here 4 more years for the Bachelors degree and then probably go back to Spain and try adapt myself again. I'll probably work for a Spanish brand called ‘Encuentro.’ Among my hobbies, traveling hits the top (also cars and some sports). So let me talk a little bit about my favorite cities' list..which includes of course, Tokyo! I've been there only 3 times but the 3 I went the 3 I fell in lOVE with it. There's no place, but really no place in the world where fashion, especially for skinny men, looks as in Tokyo does. Amazing!! Buenos Aires (Argentina), Barcelona, Hong-Kong, Bangkok... Let me tell you one last thing: Night clubs in Asia, including Japan, Philippines, Thailand, and China..Might be probably the best in the world.