My blogs
Introduction | Hi, I'm Katie. Despite my attempts at a healthy lifestyle, I have suffered from debilitating health and autoimmune issues for much of my life-- which most recently have confined me to home and bed. I have many moments of discouragement and sadness, but I have to fight hard to stay positive and focus on what I CAN do as a wife, mother, an friend. You can contact me at |
Interests | In order to help my children better cope with my disabilities, I wrote the book "Mommy Can't Dance." This simple and sweet book helps children understand limitations. It shares ideas on how kids can help, as well as activities a mom and child can can still do together. It reminds children that they are loved, and the best thing they can do is show love in return. Proceeds from this book will be donated to Dysautonomia International to help fund the research and advocacy of disautonomic disorders. |