Karl Detrich

My blogs

About me

Introduction A sin-born, blood-bought, supposedly-smart slow learner, that's me. I do things like finally buying a cordless phone six months after the introduction of Bluetooth. I unchecked a box by my birthday because this blog-thing wants to post a sign of the zodiac related to the date of my birth, but it doesn't matter... I've been reborn under the sign of the cross! And I don't care much about being born in the supposedly auspicious Year of the Rat, but I do care about people who believe that kind of thing is important. I recognize the pitfalls inherent in my own vanity (Hey, I thought you'd want to read this blog, right?), but I do believe in the validity of the personal impartation of the spirit of Elijah, given to me in prophecy, enabling me to discern, reveal and effectively resist religious spirits. I believe my spirit name, shared as the title of this site, is valid and truly God-given. I believe you probably have such a name written in the Father's heart, if not yet inscribed on His hand. And I have a spirit guide, the Holy Spirit of the Lord of Hosts, sent from the Father by the resurrected Jesus to be received by faith as a comforter and a teacher... you gotta meet Him!
Interests Bible study, worship, reading, photography, kindling awe
Favorite Movies Have I ever seen a movie I really want to see again? Hmm. I don't recall.
Favorite Music Live, direct, my-heart-to-His-heart worship. Formats are optional.
Favorite Books If you can only have one, choose the Bible. A parallel NASB/NLT would be nice, with a concordance and helps. If you can have two, add "Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard, and A.W. Tozer's "Pursuit of God, " Wesley L Duewel's "Mighty Prevailing Prayer, " and... and...

Which is easier to make a model airplane out of and why: a banana peel or a wet sock?

The stealth banana peel inspires aerobatic moves in cartoons, but a tightly-rolled wet sock will definitely fly further and more accurately... Splat!