
About me

Location Solano County, California, United States
Introduction Currently I am a grad student pursuing my MLIS at San Jose State. When I graduate in December 2007, I will be in hot pursuit of employment as a Children's Services librarian "somewhere" in northern California. I'm hoping my dream job triangulates between Solano, Sacramento and Placer counties. I have two children: an elementary schooler and a middle schooler. I enjoy fantasy fiction, juvenile and young adult lit, storytelling, booktalking, and, oh yes, employment. I have worked for years as Extra Help staffing ye 'ol Reference Desk and I fantasize about having my own tiny cubby in the backroom complete with a mailslot that states more than "Extra Help - General".. Of course I have the obligatory three cats at home but no bun or shhhing finger. I believe a library should be a meeting place for everyone, loud and quiet, though I find I do often need to remind those with the most rambunctious voices to please take their cell phones to the lobby : )!