johny monavie

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Location India
Introduction Welcome to our team & MonaVie Family! Your MonaVie Leadership! ยท Taken at Global Leaders Exclusive to our MonaVie Team! WE ARE EXCITED TO WELCOME ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE JOINING OUR MONAVIE TEAM!! THIS IS YOUR LEADERSHIP!! MYSELF HARJINDER ATWAL, BRIG HART, STEVE AND GINA MERRIT, JAN PRPICH, RANDY LARSEN, RAJ LINGAM, RANDY SHROEDER, DALLIN LARSEN, BRYAN DANIEL, & JUSTYNA AUDREY!!!! TOP INDUSTRY EARNERS AND $BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY!! 1. Harjinder Atwal - INDIA International Expansion Specialist 2. Brig and Lita Hart - TOP MLM EARNER 3. Steve & Gina Merrit - #2 TOP MLM Earner 4. Jan Prpich - CANADA's TOP MLM EARNER 5. Randy Larsen - FOUNDER of Monavie and President of Asia Pacific 6. Raj Lingam - VP of South East Asia 7. Randy Schroeder - President at MonaVie Europe, Middle East and Africa 8. Sukhdeep Atwal - Executive Distributor of SALES & International Recuitor for Monavie International Markets, Key initiative is international expansion, into Asia, specifically INDIA. 9. DR. Justyna Audrey -MonaVie International Expanasion, Canada MLM/MonaVie Executive/Leader, #1 Fastest Growing Team in Canada TOP LEADERS EXCLUSIVE TO OUR TEAM!!