My Name Is Munchie...

My blogs

About me

Introduction I believe that my mom was a Chocolate Labrador and my father, well, I'm not just too sure about him, that was 4 years ago...but I need your help to tell the world that I am not a dangerous "Pit Bull" (Whatever that really appears no one seems to know exactly what a "Pit Bull" breed is) but I've been identified as a Labrador cross (not pit bull)by International dog show judge Mike MacBeth, a well respected breeder and life-member of the Canadian Kennel Club. Mrs. Mary Lou Leiher at the Toronto Animal Services feels that I look like a "Pit Bull." If my case is not appealed I can be sent to a research laboratory under the Animals For Research Act, I'm very scared!...Please help me! My loving owners, young Ryerson students themselves, are trying very hard to protect me and already owe the City of Toronto legal fees in excess of $15,000.00... they are also terrified at what may happen to me...and need your help. "Thank-you" for taking the time to listen to my story, I truly appreciate your concern and matter what my fate may be. Munchie