Secret Shopper

My blogs

About me

Location Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Introduction I am the Secret Shopper, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I simply blog my reviews on local businesses that I have used, or have known information about. I remain anonymous so that local businesses do not know who I am when I am being served by their company. This way, I can give honest and unbiased opinions, and my experiences will be accurate. Also, it will keep me from being shot or harassed as a result of a negative review :). I, probably not unlike yourselves, have been on the receiving end of both good and bad service. I believe light should be set on not just companies with lackluster service and poor products, but also on those who do an outstanding job. As a consumer, I hope I can give my opinions in a manner that is as fair as possible to help you make your purchasing decisions. Obviously, I would never recommend that you take my word as the only means of making any decision, but hopefully my opinion can add to your collection of information in your research. My opinions are just that..OPINIONS ONLY, and my experiences may not necessarily be the same as anyone else, on any given day.