
My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Location Indiana
Introduction I am a woman who refuses to make solid plans in my life, but does whatever comes my way. As a result, I've taught just about every grade, decorated cakes, owned a photography business, given birth to six children, and bought a 140 year old house that happened to come with a small farm. I am fortunate to have married a man who is responsible and sets goals so I don't have to. You will often find me either driving our 12-passenger van around town or disposing of the dead animals that frequently litter our property. To contact me, email
Interests reading, socializing, vacationing, listening to stand-up comedy, exploring outdoors, learning new things, gardening, watching and playing sports
Favorite Movies I have many, but I have to say The Jerk (with Steve Martin), as it is my extended family's favorite. Every single one of us can quote every line.
Favorite Music I actually enjoy children's music. Not from movies, but from artists.
Favorite Books too many to name

You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

Nothing, I am a neurotic list maker.