Declan McManus

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Introduction I am a recovering melodramaholic. I love salt too much. I just bought new flannel sheets yesterday (01/01/07), and they are amazing. And not just the fitted sheet, the other one, the useless one. My headaches are becoming more frequent and refuse to respond to baby talk anymore. I made a New Year's Resolution to quit drinking. Then I'll quit coffee. And then murder. Then Salt.
Interests reading, writing, sudoku, pugs, trying to masturbate more than all my friends combined, arrested development
Favorite Movies Oh Christ. The Fountain, (and I am aware that I am the only person who loved this movie, I am also aware that it is the most effed-up movie in the history of time with the exception of THX 1138, Fight Club, Following, The Royal Tenenbaums (anything by Wes Anderson really), Anything by PT Anderson, Donnie Darko, The American President, American Beauty, Darren Aronofsky kills, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, White Palace
Favorite Music Elliott Smith, Radiohead, Carina Round, My Brightest Diamond, Archer Prewitt, the soundtrack to Everything is Illuminated, Jeff Buckley, Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, Beirut -- he's incredible!!
Favorite Books The History of Love: Krauss, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: JSF, Love in the Time of Cholera: Márquez, Sophie's Choice: Styron, The Master and Margarita: Bulgakov, Look at the Harlequins!: Nabokov, American Psycho: Ellis (or Bateman, apparently), Survivor: Palahniuk, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs: Klosterman, The Great and Secret Show: Barker, Wonder Boys: Chabon, The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Kundera, The Fountainhead: Blowhard, Breakfast of Champions: Vonnegut, Money: Amis

Create a tagline for a new line of plastic bedsheets.

The Golden Girls: One was a hundred and five, one was an idiot, one was a slut, and one was... a man -- they can't all be wrong!!