Zombie Survivor

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Location Here, in YOUR town!
Introduction People often ask me if I believe Zombies are real. The easy answer is yes, but not as most movies define them. I do not believe that corpses can climb out of their caskets to devour human brains, nor can bodies in morgues reanimate to feast on those performing their autopsies. Reanimation of dead tissue is a scientific improbability. (Sorry Dr, Frankenstein) That being said, I DO believe that it is possible for us to become infected with a virus that could take away our ability to think rationally. I believe such a virus might compel one to attack others, whether just to hurt them or to feed on them is inconsequential, as such a prospect is, well, terrifying. I also believe that if and when a virus like that ever appeared, I won't be writing this blog anymore. On that day you'll find me deep in the mountains with my family, safely hidden behind walls of defenses and plenty of supplies. Hope it never comes to that. Until then, enjoy reading this story! Don't forget to follow us on twitter @SurviveTheZomb