Celtic Dragon

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About me

Location California
Introduction Well I was raised in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California, Ben Lomond to be exact. Went to school at San Lorenzo Valley High in Felton, CA. Joined the Navy after High School and was aboard the USS Nimitz for 3 years, during that time I have been to 32 differant countries. Got married after the navy had two children then got divorced and later had two more children. I was not married and she decided to just up and leave one day and I have been a single parent ever since. That was almost 17 years ago. After so many years I have found my soul mate and we plan on getting married this year. My son is 16 and hearing impaired and my daughter is 18 and she loves to write poetry. My fincee's son is 14 and has Asperger's Syndrome. While we do live together now the challenges of merging two families who's children were not use to sharing the other parent was and still is quite trying espescially for Daniel my fincee's son. This is my first blog site and well let's see how it goes.
Interests Family, Sports, ARC, The Eight Dynamics.
Favorite Books The Fudamentals of Thought, Dianetics, by LRH