About me

Gender Female
Location dothanville, alabamian, United States
Introduction i love softball and hangin out with my friends and my boyfriend<3 he roks! my dad is there for me all the time and he loves me with all his heart and im 100% daddy's girl! my friends are there for me and whenever i figure out tht they arnt always there for me and tht they cant be trusted than i sayy "Good day to you" haha! jk but you know tht you always have to have friends tht are there for you no matter what... especially your boy friend to or he will be history! and tht is just a little about me! :)
Interests softball, family, friends, and a good eduecation :)
Favorite Movies idk why but i am a fan of all the disney classics! and i absolutely love transformers (1 and 2) and i also love the Dark Knight! movies are fantastcally awsomemystical! :)
Favorite Music i really dont have a favorite song but i like country, CHRISTIAN, and of course hop-hop! :)
Favorite Books I love the book Matilda it's a very interesting book. the author is Roahld Dahl and i have read 99% of his books! he is a very creative author. :)

Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?

ummm well maybe spoons evolved from forks... :)