Geoff Freed

My blogs

About me

Introduction I am a pioneer; my spiritual journey began a long time ago, long before the spiritual New Age officially kicked off. I refer to "writings" that came to me in 1967, which lays the groundwork and predicted much of what is going on today. My bio reads: As a former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher who have had a very varied life with periods as an apprentice pro-soccer player, a martial arts teacher, an engineer, and a researcher into the paranormal. I have also stayed for periods with Tibetan Monks at Samye Ling and am also an ex-Findhorn member. I do have scientific and other degrees, however, I talk outside the box and so it would not be relevant to state this as scientific mainstream. For many years I taught martial arts, Tai Chi, Qi gong, meditation, and presented over 637 workshops over many years in UK, Europe and Canada. As a therapist I have seen just over 3000 patients in healing and therapy. I present workshops locally and there is small group which meet fortnightly and is named’ whatever’, I no longer teach anymore. To contact me please email