Tyler Clark

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Richmond, Virginia
Introduction "He watched the fire and if he saw portents there it was much the same to him. He would live to look upon the western sea and he was equal to whatever might follow for he was complete at every hour. Whether his history should run concomitant with men and nations, whether it should cease. He'd long forsworn all weighing of consequence and allowing as he did that men's destinies are given yet he usurped to contain within him all that he would ever be in the world and all that the world would be to him and be his charter written in the urstone itself he claimed agency and said so and he'd drive the remorseless sun on to its final endarkenment as if he'd ordered it all ages since, before there were paths anywhere, before there were men or suns to go upon them."
Interests Good Movies, Bad Movies, Books, Ping Pong, Crossword Puzzles, Golf, Video Games, Soda, Spades (the card game, not the racial slur), Old Slang, Boxing, Fishing (would like to learn more), Society, Philosophy, Americana, Symbology, The Occasional Fart Joke, The Occasional Comic Book
Favorite Movies Boogie Nights, The Silence of the Lambs, Bowfinger, Kingpin, The Godfather 1&2, The Social Network, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, True Grit (1969), Once Upon A Time in the West, Ravenous, Martin Scorsese, The Coens, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, Blade Runner, Alien, Zodiac, Lost in Translation, Dog Day Afternoon, Mulholland Drive, Tombstone, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Sideways, Hellboy 1&2
Favorite Music The Band, Radiohead, Tom Waits, Bruce Springsteen, Roxy Music, The Police, Josh Homme, Fleetwood Mac, Talking Heads, CCR, ABBA, Brian Wilson, Ennio Morricone, Wu-Tang, Led Zeppelin, The Clash, The Stones, Portishead, 80's Pop
Favorite Books Suttree, Blood Meridian, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Flannery O'Connor, Gravity's Rainbow, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Klay, Watchmen, All-Star Superman (mainly the artwork), Dante's Inferno, America: The Book