Amanda Pettey

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Mommy
Location Woods Cross, Utah
Introduction I am a mommy who is lucky enough to stay at home with her 2 wonderful boys and my beautiful little girl. I love my family! I love making anyone happy with my baking and cooking. I enjoy reading, sewing, scrap booking, and exploring with my kids. (Wow, I'm a homemaker!) The thing in the picture is a Sphinx (hairless) cavy (guinea pig) or a "skinny pig"
Interests Baking, Cooking, Recipe Collecting, reading, writing a cookbook, learning to sew, card making and scrapbooking, learning new things, Geocaching, playing with and just watching my kids, talking with my best friend, Warren, talking to my sisters.
Favorite Movies Howard's End, Anything Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, or most classic novels set to movies. Fried Green Tomatoes, Much Ado About Nothing, and on and on . . .
Favorite Music Almost anything . . . depends on my mood. (not in order) Dan Folgelberg, Don Williams, the Three Tenors concerts, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Some Broadway musicals, Gordon Lightfoot, John Denver, Gomez....
Favorite Books (not in order) a lot of young adult fiction, most classics, These Is My Words, Poisonwood Bible, Way Down Yonder, Long Way From Chicago, On Fortune's Wheel, Harry Potter series, Joy Luck Club, The Giver, and tons more

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

Has anyone had the toilet training songs to Potty Power stuck in their head for more than a week?