Sarah Lorin

My blogs

About me

Introduction Hello to all my beautiful sisters in Christ! My goal in blogging is to share the amazing love of Christ with all of you! The Lord Jesus has filled my heart with a desire to see His purposes accomplished and His awesome Name glorified! He has also shown me that our every battle begins in the mind, so thus we are challenged to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5, Proverbs 4:23) and to fill our minds with pure and lovely ideas and thoughts of Him and His words (Philippians 4:8). I believe that the choices we make in our thought-life often lead to our destiny, so we have to continually ask God for wisdom and strength in dealing with even the smallest issues of our every-day lives. Anyway, I hope you will be blessed, lifted up and prompted to a closer walk with God through the things I post on this blog. Remember, life with Christ is a journey, and although it may be hard at times, we have to stick with it all the way to the end!!! Because of His Amazing Grace, Sarah
Interests Studying the Bible, keeping a journal, encouraging and spending time with my friends, praying and devotionals with my family, evangelizing, singing, playing the guitar, reading good books, jogging, all-day horseback rides on the trail, working on our farm, dancing, making gifts, DIYs, scrapbooking, learning hairdos, modest fashion, gardening, Chihuahuas, studying herbs, playing with little kids, cooking, crafts, art, designing, photography, learning new things, making the most of every moment, ultimately worshiping and honoring God with every move I make!
Favorite Music Contemporary Christian, Celtic, Relaxation, and of course good old-fashion hymns!

Got Jesus Christ? I do!