
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Erstwhile career Librarian
Location Pilton, Somerset, United Kingdom
Introduction I'm starting this blog in order to distance my personal writing - whether prose or poetry - from the blogged ramblings elsewhere of my alter ego, Harold Thing, as well as from both my Tarot reading persona, Heronman, and my "professional" self as editor of other people's poetry in Obsessed With Pipework magazine. I used to get poems published in a range of magazines but, since my first full collection "The Feather-List Extracts" was published by Five Seasons Press in 2005, I had produced very little poetry that I thought worthwhile - though I had thought of trying to make a fictional prose narrative around some of the many vaguely 'journal' entries scattered throughout many notebooks over the years. Then a few events came together (an invitation from Carrie Etter to write a poem daily in the month of April, reaching page 85 of Natalie Goldberg's book 'Old Friend from Far Away'...) that feel as though they may have broken the "block" for me.
Interests Bebop, Zen & most things in between
Favorite Movies Pi, Strangers When we Meet, Transamerica, The Time-Traveller's Wife, Accidental Tourist, Jazz on a Summer's Day, Now Voyager
Favorite Music Steve Reich, Stevie Wonder, Jimmy Giuffre, Clout, The Rock Follies
Favorite Books Most of Anne Tyler, Virginia Woolf, Patrick White, Gerald Stern, Alice Hoffman, Siri Hustvedt