Lisa Yan Ling_彦伶·快乐教主

About me

Gender Female
Industry Science
Occupation Student
Introduction 我是快乐教主。^_^ 一个即理性又感性的女生。一个天生的生物疯狂爱好者,一个喜爱文学创作的tak che gia, 一个爱辩论的小辣椒,一个糊涂的企鹅小姐~ 闲暇时,爱写写作,做做画,听听歌,唱唱歌,打打羽球,疯狂地玩乐、欢笑~快乐,是人人想要得到的东西。你快乐吗? 请让我带领你,进入我的快乐乐园文字~ I am a cute penguin.. I may be awkwards and gg sometimes.. But I am playful and sprightful.. Come and get along with me.. Then you will know what is happy means!
Interests Reading, Singing, Badminton, Literature, Writing novels, Art
Favorite Movies Thriller, Romance, Scientific, Pearl Harbour, Dejavu, Mr.Poppers Penguin, Inception, Unstoppable, Sherlock Holmes, Eagle Eye, Confession of Pain, Beast Stalker, Stool Pigeon, Titanic, Toy Story, Secret, The Day After Tomorrow, 巾帼枭雄2之义海豪情, 真相
Favorite Music Hip Hop, R&B, Lee Hom, David Tao
Favorite Books Reader's Digest, National Geography, Secret, Encyclopaedia, Novels, Psychology book

Hope for the best,prepare for the worst