बलदेव दास

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Monk, Research Scholar, Translator, Musician, Teacher, Writer
Location Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India
Introduction I started studying Indian philosophy at the age of fifteen. In 2001, I was the first Westerner ever admitted to the undergraduate program in the Sanskrit Faculty of Benares Hindu University. In 2006, I concluded my post-graduation and was awarded a golden medal for academic excellence. In 2009, I defended a PhD thesis on Gaudiya Vedanta according to Baladeva Vidyabhusana’s Govinda-bhasya, covering the singularities that made it a distinct work from the point of view of epistemology, ontology, metaphysics, theology and ethics. Meanwhile I also taught Sanskrit grammar and philosophy in the same Faculty. Nowadays I am working on the “Vidyabhusana Project”, which aims to prepare critical editions and English translations of the complete works of Baladeva Vidyabhusana.
Interests Krishna, Sastra, Veda, sruti, smrti, bhakti-yoga, philosophy, Vedanta, sad-darsana, nyaya, logic, religion, theology, Indology, Gaudiya Vaisnavism, acintya-bheda-abheda, visista-advaita, dvaitavada, Sanskrit, Prabhupada, Baladeva Vidyabhusana, Jiva Gosvami, Madhva, Ramanuja, Tulasi devi, Vrndavana, Linguistics, Etymology, Hermeneutics, Exegetics, Greek philosophy, classical music, (European, Baroque, and, Romantism, ) violin, classical literature, (both Western and Indian), poetry, (with metre, please), aesthetics, pedagogy, psychology, (non-Freudian), astanga-yoga, (with all the yamas and nyamas), maha-prasada, tirtha-yatra
Favorite Movies I have too many good books to read instead of watching movies.
Favorite Music J.S.Bach, A.Vivaldi, P.Sarasate, W.A.Mozart, F.Kreisler, L.Beethoven, J.Brahms, P.Tchaikowsky, H.Wieniawski, H.Vieuxtemps, C.Saint-Saens, F.Mendelsohn, H.Villa-Lobos, J.Sibelius, M.de Falla, E.Lalo, M.Bruch, G.Tartini, N.Paganini, P.Locatelli
Favorite Books Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Caitanya Caritamrta, Vedanta Sutra, Govinda Bhasya, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Sat-sandarbhas, Bhavartha-dipika, Gita Bhusana, Panca-tantra, Hitopadesa, In my teens I was very found of, Herman Hesse, Goethe, Plato, Humanism, Zen, Tao Te Ching, I Ching, Dhammapada, Bible