
About me

Introduction Scott Anderson has a PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he is adjunct faculty. Scott’s PhD Minor is in Religious Studies, with a focus on the history of Buddhist Modernism, and his research interests focus on the physical correlates of meditation practice. Scott began meditating over forty years ago as a means to improve his athletic performance. While long retired from high-level competition, Scott has maintained a daily meditation practice since his teens. In addition to daily practice, Scott is dedicated to spending one month of each year in silent retreat. Since meeting Mingyur Rinpoche in 2010, Scott has dedicated himself to the practice and dissemination of Rinpoche’s teachings as one of the founding leaders of the Tergar Madison meditation center. Scott lives in the hill country west of Madison, Wisconsin with his wife and two cats. Together they run a busy Pilates studio in Madison. When not teaching or researching, Scott loves to work out and backcountry ski.