pcimprezzive - PAT

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Hackensack,NJ-NYC, United States
Introduction Greetings compadre's! I have finally joined the interwebz and created a place in cyberspace to publish my anemic thoughts. The last time I was sighted for writing a public piece was from a collaborated zine called Planet Chocko. By the way, Planet Chocko has re-surfaced as well! Check us out @ http://www.planetchocko.com , This comes from a time when zines were blazing hip hop and RnB on the streets of NYC, most notably from the East Village from the early to late 90s. We wrote about punk shows,kung fu movie reviews,poems,good eats,car/cycle shows,travel,photos, and other hobbies of ours. This blogspot will be of similiar format so please park yourself, enjoy, and peace out!