
My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Science
Occupation RN
Location Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Links Wishlist
Introduction I have worked as an RN from 1975 until 2010 when I retired due to medical issues.
Interests I love to do crafts. I knit, crochet, embroidery, love to sew clothing and home decor, and spend a lot of time cooking new recipes since I retired. But now days my favorite thing to do is sit in my craftroom/studio and paint, scrapbook, make cards, and any type of paper craft.
Favorite Movies I love John Wayne! Don't see much of him on TV anymore but his flicks are still in the video stores. I love any movies where good perseveres over evil, the girl gets the guy, and ends happily.
Favorite Music I like all music but favorite is pop and classic rock. I like Train, Rod Stewart, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, All the Twilight sound tracks, Mama Mia, and Rent!
Favorite Books The Stand by Steven King Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer Christine Feehan Anita Blake series, JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. Sherlyn Kenyon Dark Hunter and many many others.