The Caribbean Freethinkers' Society

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About me

Location The Caribbean
Introduction The Caribbean Freethinkers’ Society is committed to the promotion of a number of core values: the value of critical thinking and examining the world with discerning, skeptical eyes; the need for evaluating and speaking against social injustices (particularly those caused by religious fundamentalism) in the Caribbean and beyond; and the value of starting and opening up discussions on issues in the Caribbean. There is a serious void in the Caribbean for discussions of, about, and by those of us who are skeptics, atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers of various kinds—and The Caribbean Freethinkers’ Society is here to fill that void, to give a voice to the too-long-voiceless. Check back here often for essays, write-ups, diatribes, studies, philosophical musings, multimedia projects, and more. Contributors: Jonathan Bellot (editor), Kwame Weekes (assistant editor), Jason Dookeran (webmaster), David Ince (and many more).