
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation IT Grunt
Location London BABY!, United Kingdom
Introduction My name is Wozza..... and I am a caffeine-aholic mainly found at http:\\wozza.info
Interests football, music, blogging, chatting, walking, talking, drinking, caffeine, politics, the muppet show, current affairs
Favorite Movies Shawshank Redemption, Blazing Saddles, The Producers, All The Presidents Men.
Favorite Music Rock, Metal, Poodlerock, brit rock, jazz, blues
Favorite Books feet Of Clay (Terry Pratchett), The Right Nation- Why America Is Different (Mickelwhite), Losing America (Robert Byrd), The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress (Robert A Heinleinn)

What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?
