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About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Location Norman, OK, United States
Introduction A closet romantic, aspiring to write. Insanely curious, living in a perpetual dream state.
Interests Daydreaming. Making up stories. Stargazing. Sleeping under the stars. Riding bicycles. Fixed gear bicycles. Vintage bicycles. Books, books, books! Music, music, music! Films, films, films! The never-ending quest for KNOWLEDGE. Dancing and singing with my daughter. Conversing and debating with my son. Climbing trees. Summer nights and winter days. Argyle, black and white stripes, polka dots, and gingham, plaid, tweeds. Going to shows. Road trippin. Lakin' it. Vegetarianism. Individualism. Ellipses...Interrobang?!?! Theory. Research. Speculation and Contemplation. A supply of scratchy-sounding pens and smooth paper. Plants. Organic food. Running in circles. Ashtanga yoga. Brown, black, gray, and red. Organizing my thoughts. Making lists. Mythology. Creating the perfect playlist. OWLS! Collecting owl figurines.
Favorite Movies Buffalo 66, The Outsiders, Tex, Rumblefish, Drugstore Cowboy, City of Lost Children, Amelie, Delicatessan, The Last Picture Show, Casablanca, Roman Holiday, To Have and Have Not, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Mirrormask, Stardust, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, Juno, Rushmore, Peggy Sue Got Married, Big Fish, Labryinth, Pan's Labryinth, The Dark Crystal, Hud, Rebel Without a Cause, Key Largo, The Tracy Fragments, What About Bob?, Beverly Hills Cop, Smart People, and more and more and more.
Favorite Music Oh no! Where do I start??? Rollerskate Skinny, Sonic Youth, Modern Lovers, Velvet Underground, TRex, Broadcast, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Polvo, Mercury Rev, Wire, Ariel Pink, Pavement, Syd Barrett, Brian Jonestown Massacre, 13th Floor Elevators, Devo, Alice Cooper, Stereolab, Tame Impala, Stereototal, Papercuts, Guided By Voices, Pixies, Cure, Joy Division, James and Bobby Purify, Wendy Rene, The Clean, Gang of Four, Fugazi, Blonde Redhead, Pulp, My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Ramones, Iggy Pop, New York Dolls, MC5, Dead Meadow, Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Zombies, The Kinks, The Cars, We All Together. Ummmm...I know there are a gagillion more bands to list, but who has the time?
Favorite Books Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, GO, The Catcher in the Rye, Spring Snow and others by Yukio Mishima, Getting Even, The Bell Jar, Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, The Moon Will Forever Be a Distant Love, The Man who Fell in Love with the Moon, Kafka on the Shore, Things Fall Apart, Crime and Punishment, Atlas Shrugged, 1984, We the Living...to name a few. Really, I like books. All books., Fiction, nonfiction...I'll read any and everything. Good or bad.

Oscillate my metallic sonatas with your plan for the Panama canal:

What about Bob?